Monday, November 23, 2009

MY classmates

after some fiddling with my camera and some cable
i have found a way to upload pictures from
my camera to my com

and i have decided to make
the first few pictures in my blog
to dedicate it to my friends and class mates haha
viva la free school
well shall we begin

Candidate 1:Neoh shaw jin a.k.a praying mantis

Yes if u were wondering,
his surname is neoh
i too was dumbfounded when i first found out
but never the less he was a great friend
a big pain in the ass at times
but always a nice guy to talk to
his knowledge on all things H
is particularly scary in fact
but i must say
one of my favorite quotes from him is
i have watch so much "BLUE" normal "BLUE" makes me bored
sorry for those of u who hate this type of stuff
i am just saying
But dont look down on dis guy
behind his kinky behavior
lies a little evil genius that even you
wouldnt be able to defeat
yes i mean it
i had always thought he was an easy guy to beat in the exams
but he prove me other wise
his knowledge in all things science far surpass any of us
and his vast vocabulary only seconds to Tan
be very afraid...

candidate 2 : Lee Jeong Mark a.k.a addidogs

Yes i know
his already pretty famous even without this free publicity haha
oh well
i had never like him especially when he cheats in his exams
almost throughout the whole year
but besides that his a really fun guy to be haha
he goes around telling us jokes and then
laugh with his signature teehee teehee yes he actually
says teehee instead of expressing it lol.
In terms in badminton
lets just say let sleeping dogs lie
among our group of badminton junkies
his one of the best...well rating less than vincent and
dennis i suppose but his pretty good as well

Candidate 3: Narinder a.k.a conde numbjhfjer 2

Well as his name suggest he is pretty much your every day
ordinary singh which means his very very very fact
so tall it makes u feel short in comparison and also very hairy
lol just joking
his a really fun guy to be with honestly
his a good listener and very easy to be with
in fact he can follow up with any conversation easily as well
want an example?? here i was chatting with him yesterday
for fun when i msg him
me: Oi u on drugs again isit so high
Him: No la oni take afew shots of ganja and some kangkung sambal to go with it
me:may i recomend coke and maby some estacy to give it an extra height og highness to it
Him: OoOOO u very creative ar u

as i said very interesting haha
i believe if i am not wrong
he is gona become a doctor
well i dont doubt it
because his bio is suppose to be better than mine haha
of course i have my fair share of whooping his ass in that subject
as well as ong siew chai
but well we are free school students
nothing beats us in terms of intelligence
after all we are a school for scholars,sportsmen and gentlemen
lol good luck to u sister haha

Candidate 4: Lim Eam Ming a.k.a kisame

See the resemblance
his name is lim eam ming we call him fish
i believe it was because his dad's name ended with HU
which is a chinese character for fish
I remember during form 3
during the exam
he would always sit behind of me and well
we were pratically still impish back then
so i took out some stickers and drew fishes on it
and stick it to the wall only visible to him
he would on the stop complain to the teacher
then there was last year where he really save my ass
by buying me a brush during one of my torture
sessions in camp lol
arigato gozaimas kisame-kun
Dont look down on this guys fishy face
behind the facade
lies the evil math genius
yes u heard me right
he can do math as well as shoemarker can drive the F1
in fact maby better
i must boast that my add math is fairly better than average
because math is my favorite subject but this guy
can pratically play circles around me and almost
everyone in my class for this subjectAdd Video
truly an opponent to be feared off haha
good luck eam in wadever ur doing

Candidate 3: Azharul amir a.k.a blue

Well his nickname
i guess says it all
so no further explanation is needed i hope
anyways this guy is really....
no words can describe the awesomeness of this guy
his crazy enough to do anything , brave enough to face anything
and smart enough to pull it off
his truly one of a kind
he is my fellow mascot buddy as i am samurai or P-man for last year
and he is the phantom or the taliban man for last year
He is a prefect
so i dont blame him for skipping class all the time
but i really hope he and all the prefect as well
sho up their faces early morning so i can mark their attendence
but lets just leave that as that because leaving he class all the time
dont seem to affect them at all
NO they are truly the elite of my school
they may skip class but they can cover up everything
in fact some of my classmates who are prefect score higher than those
who stay in class and pay attention all day to lessons
good luck blue

I have saved the best for last

Here we have Tan siew Hung A.K.A taugeh tan/Topedo tan

my faithfull assistant monitor
who sits beside me in class
and does most of the times
really really stupid magic trick
for example
he will take 2 coin and douse it with cold water
then put it on the table and then ask u to take one
and squeeze it with ur hand as hard as possible
then he would mumble in sum alien language
and touch both coin and as IF BY MAGIC
he knows which coin u take...if u really dont know
how he did it well i dont blame u i was the 1st to found out
He is nickname taugeh tan because his dad sells taugeh
and not just sell his dad is practically the supplier of taugeh
in penang lol
he plans to take over the business and add it a spice
of his own which he says he will encoparate biology to it
lol good luck with that tan
He is also known as topedo tan
simple he always play football as the keeper
and he has a signature move
which is he will slid at the opponent
at full speed forcing them to either move away and lose the ball
or risk THEIR balls in the line of fire
the ball...whichever ball which gets hit...will fly about half way
across the field in a very outstanding manor right above
our heads most of the time...a feat u would never forget in fact
and the point is..he does it almost every time a ball comes
lol..danger alert danger alert haha
In terms of knowledge
he could pratically squish me in sejarah,all the science subject
math and siviks if he was really focused because he has really really
good study methods which i would never succumb to my own ego to ask

Next we have Shaun a.k.a best friend...

This guy arrrr
can be said everybody wants to be friend with him
and yes i mean it
I sometimes dont really understand why when i think of it in
a logical manner but i guess nature is not dictated by the laws
of simple understanding and logic..because is more complex than that
there was once a talk given by my teacher about mindset
she said that before the exam if u say fail d la then chances are u will
do badly because u already given up...this seems to work upside down for
He pratically goes to the exam hall and every single paper right
after opening one page he will say fail d laa
in fact its his signature word
but the weird part is...he scores even higher than average
which is to say he pawn me flat in exams except addmath T.T
One of my favorite quotes from him is
"I will pedigree that guy through the table"
which he said in accordance to some news about politics in
malaysia haha but that is another story for another day

And then we have Vimalesh...a.k.a (anything which has the word black in it)

He is by far
the most hated yet the most like student in the class
everyone in the class will find even the smallest reason to argue
with him even if it was irrelevant but we all feel really really
sad when he is suddenly missing and all
i mean it
althought everyones teases you we actually are quite fond of u
I remember eam ming said somethign of him
being my brother from a different mother and father
lol...i might agree with that.
the only difference between me and him is skin colour
besides that in terms of everything else we are pratically on par

our intelligence level...we compete exam after exam taking over each other
at the next exam

Our Sport achivement...ok i dont have many achievement compared to him
because of all his tennis achivement but i am very active in sports..i mean it as in
in terms of my sporthouse and all.

Belly size.....yes we both have almost the same belly size....i am proud to say mine
is smaller then his =P.

and last but not least KAVIRAJ A.K.A godfather..kononnya

He is
a really really really really anoying guy
at least to be
he tries to imitate real life actors
but i guess over time
that has become a part of him
a significant part which is like a unique signature
for him self
i remember back then
when i had to harrase him to pay up his patrol fund
yes i was his PL back then and i had to fork out money
to pay for this guy who in the end not only never turn up
but never pay me back as well....and this repeated 3 times
yea i know the saying once's a mistakes, twice a fool
and i am trice which makes me a dumb
I heard recently
he had been involve in some sindicate in my school
to sell off stolen calculator but i have good comformation
that it is a lie ...thank god
after all we wouldnt want our friends to get stuck in
nonsense do we haha

Owh gosh i really have to go and get back to my moral
to those of u i didnt post up
lets just say i didnt manage to snap a picture of u lol
sorry yea guys because u were all wonderfull friends to me
and well i could only put up this few pictures,
till then...

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