Saturday, June 21, 2008

Melovent Player

i accompanied ming wei and shaun to cc
around my sch area eh infinity there
we played cabal almost the whole morning
during that game
a few stupid things happen
my need to kill got the better of me
and i went on a PK spree
Pk stands for player kill
so i kill around 3 to 6 people all which
i found out b4 i Pk them turn out to
be botters
botters are people who use a computer to train 4 them
so they dont have to train
of course its illegal in the game
but its more fun killing them then reporting them
becos they wont fight back
There was one particular person who i Pk
who was the only person i PK
which was not a botter
i cant remember his name
but after i kill him
he ask how to Pk people
when i told him how
he went and kill the nearest player he saw
which was shaun
After shaun died
shaun made his personal duty to Pk dat guy
until he kenot level up at all
with him was me
the poor guy didnt dare to take a step out the
safe zone haha
wouldnt blame hime
the moment he put one feet out
shaun will stun him then i will slash the crap out of him
just for fun haha
Anyway after cabaling
i went home
and started on a new picture
which i still havent come out with a name for it yet
here it is

Well i have a YE product i have to finish
and have duty tmo at pisa
for the maha saki kadana event
or the lumbini vegetarian food fair
so till then

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